Marketing Solutions for Sunshine Café

Calvin and Hobbs Marketing Agency has been enlisted by Sunshine Café to increase brand awareness for their coffee shop located in the downtown Grand Rapids area. Our initial strategy for increasing walk-in traffic will be targeting college students at all local colleges during exam week. We have chosen exam week because it is widely thought that college students try to find more places to study that have delicious drinks or food.

The first tactic for our campaign to build walk-in traffic will be running a series of Instagram ads the week before exams start, the ad will target college students aged 18-25 within a 30 mile radius. These advertisements will include photos of students drinking coffee in the cafe. The captions will include information about a $1.00 discount on coffee when you show a student ID running only for the week of exams. Captions will also include information about their free WiFi services and spacious study tables with electric ports for charging.

The second tactic will be done via Snapchat stories. Snapchat holds the attention of 75% of the U.S. population of 18-24 year old’s according to comScore, which means the best platform to bring in traffic will be on Snapchat. The Snapchat stories are only online for 24 hours, this means that the window for effective marketing is much smaller. In order to combat this the two tactics will work together, Instagram will talk about the Snapchat story bringing in more followers. The final day of finals week Sunshine Café will post on their Snapchat story, sending a blast out to all of their new followers with an exclusive discount code for their next combined coffee and pastry purchase.

In order to track the people who came in from Instagram, there will be a $1.00 discount code that people must present at the counter, the same goes for Snapchat. The codes will be tracked by employee’s of the shop and evaluated at the end of finals week. The Snapchat code will only be featured on the last day of finals week as a celebration and appreciation for all new participants and customers. By tracking them separately, at the end of finals week we will be able to determine which platform brought in the most traffic and where we should direct more of our resources in the future.




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