Campus Dining Interaction

One thing all people should know about me; I love steak. So much that I make sure to go to get a steak at this place on Grand Valley State Unversity’s Campus called the Connection to pay $15.00 for a steak whenever they have it on the menu. I have had many good experiences with the Connection and their steaks, however recently I went there and had a pretty bad experience.

The counter guy making the steak was very nice and made the entire experience much better and he asked me to write a survey for Campus Dining; this was before I sat down to eat my meal. While at the counter, the Connection ran out of their grilled asparagus and when I went to pay for my meal they still charged me an extra $2.00 for this invisible asparagus. On top of that my steak was underdone and extremely fatty, I like a good medium rare steak as much as anyone but I draw the line at extra rare.

I’m not usually the kind of person to fill out online survey’s even if I am unsatisfied with a product or company. I usually just sit in my blissful silence and move on with my day, but because the counter person made my experience much better I decided he deserved a good review. However, in the review, I mentioned the quality of my food and extra charge for the asparagus I never received. I was very surprised to get a very quick response from the people who deal with complaints about campus dining. Below was their response to my survey:

Survey feedback email

I’m not sure this was a completely two-way symmetrical relationship in that a response like this is garnered by the situation, i.e. there was a problem so they had to take steps in order to fix it. It was two-way symmetrical in that Campus Dining and I put in equal effort to voicing opinions and in their case trying to fix the situation.

I honestly have a higher respect for Campus Dining after this interaction because I didn’t think that they paid any attention to the survey responses. I think that their response was not only timely but also their solution was relevant and felt like a good solution to a simple problem without going over the top. I don’t think they could have done anything differently or better in this situation.

In light of this experience, I will continue to eat steak at the Connection from here on out in hopes of enjoying asparagus along with it.

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