Always Indulging

Most people who know me academically know that I am a careful planner, but then my other more fun side has a problem with indulging (I am using the word “problem” lightly). I relate to those who live a care-free lifestyle, traveling the world, tasting all of the different foods each place has to offer…

I Dare You

I chose a little white and black card that described me. This little card had two words, one word is something I 100% identify with and the other I wish I had more of. My words included adventurous and daring, can you guess which one I need more of? I love adventure, I am one…

The Dream – Social Media is my Way of Life

Ever since I changed my major to Writing with a minor in Public Relations and Advertising, I dreamed of a job that would allow me to travel the world. Correction, I’ve dreamed of this job for pretty much as long as I’ve wanted to get a degree at a university. I am one of those…