
Torch Conservation Center Summer 2018

Flyer Design Final
This flyer was created for a public event for Torch Conservation Center where they were inviting residents and community members to learn about how they can help preserve Torch Lake.
Event Flyer - Facebook Post Updated
This horizontal flyer was created for a series of Facebook posts that would help advertise for the upcoming event. The event instructions include the captions for the different Facebook posts.

The Press Release below was created for the public event in August 2018. The release is scheduled to be sent to the Antrim Review and Elk Rapids News prior to the event.

Press Release

The State of the Lake Report below is a basic layout that will be used when the report is put together in either Winter 2018 or Summer 2019. The information that will be put in this report will be from several different contributors including Torch Conservation Center.

State of the Lake Report Basic Layout

Torch Conservation Center Summer 2017


LocalsSale.Draft #1.20170509 (1) (1)
This flyer was created for the Store Closing sale during the summer of 2017. The store closing sale was held to sell all the merchandise in the new TrueBlue store that was leftover from the previous owner. Below are all of the Facebook posts used to advertise the event as well as an event page. All photos were taken by me prior to the event.

Personal Branding:

This was created for a digital writing course, were asked to create a Facebook banner that described the brand image we were shooting for. I love to travel and therefore I used a photo of me on one of my trips, a typewriter font that matches my travel tattoos, and the “adventure is calling” slogan.
This was the original version of my cover photo for my professional website.

Published Work:

Below is a link to the blog post I wrote for GVSU PRSSA this past year. I feel very passionately about giving recognition to the copywriters out there working in the advertising and public relations field.
